Well I'm glad that Dtro finally blessed me with the opportunity to contribute to the fine piece of internet wisdom that is Red Stripe and Chronic. With that said; let me clear a couple of things up. First off, it is true that baseball is my third favorite sport and Football is number 1. However i am also an avid basketball Fan. Which brings me to the first topic Ill speak on.
The Los Angeles Lakers are of course my favorite team because the nuggets have gargled balls since i was a a young tike. (I liked them before kobe and Shaq so fuck off) But recently I have noticed LA fans acting like ohhhh maybe knicks fans or New York fans in general. They actually booed Kwame Brown. Granted he has gotten as fat as the Michelin Man during his injury and missed two dunks and a wide open lay up (in 5 min) but the man was hand chosen by his Airness. I say he gets a pass. If people keep booing the mofo the lakers will sink further and further and really open the door for Boston to win the NBA Finals. Think about it, do you really want Boston to win the World Series, Superbowl, and NBA Finals? And if you have ever met a person with a Boston accent who talks shit you immediately want to remind them that the English language includes the letter "R" and for them to do a nose dive off the green monster. I say people stop booing Kwame and start trying to assassinate Kevin Garnett.
His Airness also chose Adam Morrison. You telling me you wouldn't boo him, then tie him to a chair and tweeze out his trash-stache hair by hair? Even most Bobcat fans want to do that.
What city Do the bobcats play out of anyway? I'm just glad I'm not nuggets fan their only claim to fame is melo who got his diamond chain stolen at his first all star game, Kenyon Martin aka MR. Glass, and Eddie Najera the most well known and liked mexican player.
P.S. I have already decided the pats are going to win the superbowl a week before the game because The NFL is an unjust and tyrannical entity that is only concerned with story lines (look at past superbowl champs) and not competition. But this doesn't mean that I will not watch the game. I already got off work for it.
The Charleston Bobcats I believe. Not sure if they're West Virginia or South Carolina, one of those hick states for sure.
The Giants are a great story line. If Eli wins the Lombardi Trophy it'll be like that one time Bilo broke out of his cage and he get "this."
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