Friday, October 26, 2007

Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit motherfucking PIG

What just happened: I got my ID taken away by a cop. This d-bag bouncer at a bar took Sam's ID from me and wouldn't give it back. I informed him that he was a fucking cocksmoke because of this. Instead of brushing off my insult, he decided to turn me in to the cop car parked down the block.

Cop: How old are you?
DTRO: 20
PIG: So whose ID is this?
DTRO: My cousin's
PIG: Where you from?
PIG: I don't know what you do in Brooklyn, but we don't stand for this shit here (even though I've gotten into every bar in this shithole fucking city I've ever tried besides the Tombs).
DTRO: Sorry officer.
PIG: Especially after 9/11. You should know better.
DTRO: What (the fucking fuck) does this have to do with 9/11?
PIG: Terrorists! Fake IDs! (incomprehensible rant about terrorists and fake IDs)

I don't even have the energy to try and remember the rest of the conversation. Needless to say, this cop was a southern-sounding hick piece of shit, who had no idea what the fuck even happened on 9/11. I am ridiculously angry right now, because I'm going home for Butter's play/b-day tomorrow and now I can't go to a fucking bar for a month and a half. I hope that cop gets syphilis. I hope that bouncer gets AIDS and dies a slow painful death. I would prefer that he get AIDS from a gay rape incident of some sort.


I want some massholes to die tonight.

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