ARod did steroids!

That's right. A famous baseball player did steroids. This fresh faced young Mariner you see above will one day take a bunch of steroids and hit a bunch of homeruns and such. Here are some quick thoughts about all this:
1)That sucks. It would have been nice for ARod to break Bonds' homerun record and be clean. At least now we'll have a cheater who was slightly less of an asshole than Barry Lamar.
2) Who cares? I really don't need to read a bunch of shithead baseball writers fume about legacies and the history and integrity of baseball. If I hear one more guy bitch and moan about how betrayed they feel by Mark and Sammy, and Bonds and ARod so fucking help me God. Look, I love baseball, and it's pretty clear that a lot of players were cheating for at least a decade (AKA my entire childhood).That sucks and it really bothered me. But as writers go on and on about steroids, and George Mitchell leads an "investigation," and the government wastes everyone's fucking time and money going afer Bonds and Clemens I just cannot care any more. So fuck it.
3)How awesome would it be if Jeter was one of the other 104 players on the list. God that would be great. I think a number of baseball hacks' heads would explode. Or Eckstein, that would crack me up.
4)God I hope they never catch Piazza.
5)Clearly everyone who has ever been on the Rangers did steroids. Pudge, Palmeiro, ARod, Juan Gon, Canseco, Kevin Elster, Rusty Greer, etc. If anyone has ever played for the Rangers they have done steroids. It's science.
6)It really makes no damn sense to try and keep some guys out of the Hall of Fame just because they were caught. McGwire never got caught. Barry Bonds never actually failed a test as far as I know. It's pretty obvious that fucking everyone was doing steroids and trying to guess who was clean is retarded. Did anyone really suspect ARod before this? No, so just because we don't really suspect Griffey or Frank Thomas or Piazza or Maddux or Pedro or Manny doesn't mean they are more deserving of the Hall of Fame than ARod, Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, or Clemens. Nobody knows, so just compare them to their peers not to what you suspect they might have been or might have done.
7)Wow, the MLB players union really sucks. Way to protect those anonymous samples guys. This seems like a huge fuck up on their part. Still, they're miles better than the NFL players union, which mandates that you play with concussions and gives you a pat on the back after you retire and $40-50 for every post-career stroke (depending on the severity of your resuslting paralysis).
8)Fuck the Yankees!
If you want to read something insightful and pretty much dead on about this whole mess check out this post from ShysterBall.
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