Taken was the story of Liam Neeson trying to get back his stupid-ass daughter after she got kidnapped in Paris. Why was she in Paris? Well it was her first stop in a summer trip around Europe to follow a U2 tour. Fucking serves her right. Just goes to show what I've always said: Bono is behind the majority of sex trafficking in the world. Also, if you want to go sing Vertigo at the top of your lungs with a bunch of 36 year old mongoloids you deserve to be pumped with heroin and sold to Albanian dockworkers.
So, anyway, Liam Neeson is a former CIA guy or something and he basically turns into Jason Bourne, going around Paris beating the shit out of people. It is a very simple film that delivers exactly what you expect; I expected awesome and I got it.
The good stuff:
-Liam Neeson shooting a former French colleague's wife in the arm to get information out of him. "It's only a flesh wound!"
-Liam Neeson lying under a dead body to hide before shooting another guy. "I don't know if you remember me. We talked on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you."
-Liam Neeson forcing a little French douchebag to get hit by a truck.
-Liam Neeson taking out an entire boat full of Arabian guards using his fists, broken bottles and occasionally firearms.
-You get the idea.
The bad stuff:
-I find it hard to believe that it's really more cost efficient for the Paris Albanian mob to kidnap tourists than to transport girls from Albania to be whores. I get that they save on transportation cost, but kidnapping citizens from actual countries would bring on a lot of political pressure from other nations to stop this nonsense, right? I gotta assume that the extra attention from law enforcement would outweigh the costs of trucks from Albania.
-The daughter is annoying as shit. She's not hot, she acts and dresses like a 12 year old (she's supposed to be 17), she likes U2, she likes horses (WTF?! she's supposed to be 17!), she wants to be a singer (not happening with that body, sweetheart), ans she whines like a little bitch when Liam Neeson hesitates to let her go to Europe on her own. Hey guess what, maybe you should have listened to your dad, because you are now a smackwhore.
-Lack of hot female character. Sure you had Famke Janssen as the mother, but that was only a bit part. And the daughter's friend was hot, but she was a minor character too.
-That singer at the beginning could have shown a little more gratitude towards Liam Neeson for saving her life. Yaknowhati'msaying?
All in all, the good outweighs the bad in taken. It was a laugh-a-minute thrill ride or something. Ignore the parts that don't really make sense and just try to enjoy Liam Neeson shooting that chick in the arm, God that was great. I give this a 3.9 out of 4.7 on the dtro scale of goodness. Yeah, I changed the scale, so what? It's my scale I can do with it as I please. You don't like it you can go read something else you ungrateful prick. Wait! Wait, where are you going? Come back, you're my only reader! I was kidding. Please come back. Please. And tell your friends.
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