Monday, February 15, 2010
I'm Going Crackers!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Year in Sports. Or how the Jets temporarily made me less depressed, part 1?
Jason Bay dying inside
The Mets of New York Town
The 2009 New York Mets were cursed by the goddamn devil, who struck them down with a ridiculous number of injuries. This was not to prevent their winning baseball games but rather to mask the utter incompetence of the front office and allow Omar Minaya to keep his job as L'il Freddy Wilpon's trained monkey/fall guy for another offseason. And what did SeƱor Minaya do with his borrowed time to fix this roster? He signed poor Jason Bay in a thin attempt to hide the Wilpons' cynical contempt for Mets fans, who they consider so stupid as to believe that they are actually trying to field a championship-caliber baseball team. Here is the Wilpons' true goal: enough "meaningful" late-season games and a "big name" signing or two to trick us into packing into their beautiful little publicly-funded, TARP-sponsored restaurant emporium Dodger museum ballpark and lining their pockets (which incidentally were actually deepened by Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, the fucking schmucks). Oh I can out-cynical you all day Fred and Jeff, so don't even try me.
Going into the offseason the Mets had as I see it: no MLB-caliber 1B, no MLB-caliber starting catcher, no MLB-caliber RF or LF, 2 reliable MLB-caliber starting pitchers--one of whom was recovering from surgery, while the other continued his life-long battle with the Yips--followed by a bunch of question marks (does anyone realize that the Mets' 3rd and 4th best starters right now are Jon Niese and Nelson Figueroa?!! And they won't even make the team out of Spring Training! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!), a 2B with no knees, a bullpen that lost "star reliever" JJ Putz, and a continuing lack of MLB-ready depth behind key players. What were Omar's solutions to these numerous and variegated problems?
Alex Cora--$2 Mil with a vest. Had to lock him up before the bidding war ensued I guess.
Jeff Francoeur--$5 Mil. He might swing the bat so hard he hits himself in the back of the head, so there's that. What I'm saying is: his potential comedy value far exceeds his baseball value.
Jason Bay--4 years/$66 Mil with a goddmanmotherfucking vest. Just a wee bit of an overpay there, Omar.
Henry Blanco/Chris Coste/Omir Santos--Gotta catch 'em all! Crappy backups!
Kelvim Escobar/Ryota Igarashi/some other guys--I actually like the Escobar signing and it's always nice to have a Japanese guy on the team. I guess we'll see how the bullpen shakes out.
Fernando Tatis--whatever. He's a perfectly cromulent bench player.
Gary Matthews Jr.--fuck my life.
Nothing else. That's freakin' it! They might sign John Smoltz (or as Ron Darling would say, "John Schmoltz)for some pitching insurance, but he is, as you may recall, 73 years old. Seriously, the guy is six degrees of separation from Old Hoss Radbourn, who threw 678 innings(!) for the 1884 Providence Grays.
I could also get into the Beltran surgery fiasco (guess whose side I'm on) or the fact that JJ Putz was never given a physical last year and then allowed to pitch in the WBC, despite the fact that he had been injured the year before and the Mets had just traded a bazillion prospects for him, but that would just be piling on to my own misery. Suffice it to say, I am not very happy with the current state of the Mets nor am I particularly sanguine about their chances in 2010.
I was going to break down the other teams, but I clearly get long-winded when it comes to complaining about the Mets. We'll save the Jets, Wolverines, and Hoyas for a part 2. And perhaps Boyce will chime in with some thoughts on the Giants and their rather Metsian season.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Serious Man. Inglorious Basterds. The Hurt Locker. District 9. Up. An Education. Up In The Air. Precious. The Blind Side. Avatar. These are the Academy Award nominees for Best Picture, listed in the order in which their nomination makes me least want to kill myself. Keep in mind, these are what have been determined by the Academy, "a professional honorary organization dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of motion pictures," to be the best of the 256 movies released in the US in 2009. Fair enough.
I can hear you now: "Duh, Boyce! These studios are the ones who finance the movies, even the smaller ones! Obviously they hold all the power in the movie world! Just fuckin deal with it, you pussy!" First off, low blow. Second, if you're going to cede something so subjective as "Best Picture of the Year" to the economic engineering of giant conglomerates then why even try to make such a distinction? Just give a trophy to whoever makes the most money and call it a year!
Which brings me to Avatar. I don't think it's worth anyone's time for me to discuss the movie itself, we've all heard the talking points: it's simplistic, too much emphasis on special effects, the girl alien gave me a boner, blah, blah, blah. What's important about Avatar for my purposes is that this movie is going to win (yes it is going to win, this isn't a prediction piece, remember, I am just telling you the facts) Best Picture because it A) Had awesome special effects and B) cashed in bigger than the Red Cross. The fact that it made so much dolo is not the sole reason it's going to win, oh, no, it's a little more than that. Think back to the word we kept hearing on top of all the Avatar hype. That this movie was going to be "revolutionary." Yes, the revolution is here. Was it the plot? Anybody who's seen more than two movies can tell you it was a hackneyed concept, even before Costner won Best Picture (He did! Look it up!) for making it about Indians. Performances? LOLS! Was it the special effects? Yes, but not completely. Every year movies comes out that have amazing, jaw-dropping CGI. There are tons of people who will choose their viewing experience because it's some kind of special effects extravaganza. Shit, those Transformers movies made a shit-ton of moneys and they didn't even have actors or a script! Avatar was revolutionary for this one reason: It made movies more expensive. Not to make, to see. Avatar didn't break all the box office records because it caught the zeitgeist of this era and captivated audiences, or even wowed them with spectacular effects. Avatar broke those records because You Paid More To See It! That's your revolution! Those stupid fucking glasses! Yes, the 3D effects were cool but can you really see any filmmaker taking it beyond that? Is there another level of comprehension of films unknown to us in two dimensions? Of fucking course not! Now we can witness the revolution in full. Take a gander at any list of upcoming action movies for 2010-11. Realize that they are all in "3D." Take a second to consider whether these movies would have come out in 2D (or "regular D"). Then commit suicide. Or just don't see them. Whatevs.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I don't really know what to say. None of those other movies are going to win. Sure, Hurt Locker has the next-best chance. But remember in the first place why there are ten nominees. The concern here is ratings for the Oscar telecast. Since the Dark Knight got completely fucking robbed of a nomination last year, and that probably cost ABC a good chunk of viewers, the Academy figured that their only key to continued legitimacy is TV ratings. And don't nobody wanna see some war movie with guys what they never heard of, where they kill Ralph Fiennes (SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE?!?!?!??) as soon as he gets on screen and there ain't no big battle at the end, win Best Picture. Sorry, Kathryn Bigelow. Cameron took your heart and stomped on it, and now he's taking your Oscar chances and doing the same. I really liked the Hurt Locker, too. Saw it twice, wasn't as good the second time. I won't watch Avatar again.
As a courtesy, here are the rest of your nominees with a little bitching about each. Except An Education. I don't even think the actors in that movie have heard of it.

Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
I'm not joking. Thats the whole name of the fucking movie. Good to see Dusty Rhodes' Saweeeeeeet Sapphire finally getting the recognition she deserves. Seriously though, this is one of the ones i didn't see. Saw the shit out of the trailer, though. And read most all the reviews. This whole movie smacks of poverty porn. I first heard that term in a review of "Born Into Brothels" and the same concept is at work here. Look at how shitty her life is! Isn't it terrible? Feel bad! Now watch worse things happen! Wasn't that terrible? Aren't your heartstrings getting worn out from all that tugging? Also, getting Mo'Nique to act as an angry bitch, I'm sorry, doesn't seem like a huge stretch. mmmmHM.
Up In The Air
If I hadn't shot my load on Avatar hate, this post would be all about George Clooney. How an actor gets so far with what he has I'll never know. He must give a mean blowjob to be able to play his smug, smartassed/sincere charming "self" in every movie he appears in. He's got plenty of charisma, thats for sure. He's great in every Coens movie I've seen him in. Michael Clayton was alright, but definitely didnt break any ground. (Side-bitch: how did Tilda Swinton win Best Supporting for that movie? She was in two scenes! One of them was a shot of her sweating on a toilet!) I just don't want to live in a world where the "biggest" movie "star" we have plays himself as serious or himself as hilariously charming in everything he's in. I said it in my first post and I'll say it again: Go fuck yourself, Clooney.

This movie has almost the same title as that last one, but don't take your kids to this one expecting Ed Asner fucking Vera Farmiga in a balloon! Or something. I don't see the point of nominating this for both Best Picture and Best Animated Picture. They only invented that animated category just so they wouldn't have to waste BP nominations on Pixar movies. It's the same reason The New York Times started a children's bestseller list; so their super-important List wouldn't get that stupid Harry Potter shit all over it. Up is going to win Best animated, thats for sure. Take that, Neil Gaiman!
Inglourious Basterds
I'm gonna put down my hate scepter for a hot second, cause this movie fucking ruled. The opening scene alone could be released on its own and Christoph Waltz would have won Best Actor instead of Best Supporting. It didn't even end up really being about the Basterds themselves and nobody cared. Call it alternative history, or a revenge fantasy, or just say it was a huge kick in the nuts (if getting kicked in the nuts was fun and exciting). Go ahead, I'm waiting. I can't really do this justice, since hatred is my medium, but if there was anything to hate about Inglourious Basterds, you only saw that because youre a stupid asshole who hates fun. Seriously. This movie made me jump when a guy ordered a glass of milk at a restaurant. That's great filmmaking.
You know, I really liked this movie, too. It had characters we cared about, a coherent yet nuanced plot, and a relevant message about humanity. I just thought it completely blew all the goodwill from that with the third act, in which the protagonist, a timid and bullied bureaucrat, becomes John Rambo. I don't mind them dropping the documentary aspect (that was necessary to advance the plot), but don't transform the entire movie with half an hour to go. That said, this was a good one. 3/5*
The Blind Side
Sweet Jesus Lord. The fact that this even got nominated. I can't even finish that sentence. I'm sure Sandra Bullock was great in it, but come on. This is tripe. It was nominated solely because it made so much goddamn money. At least it didn't have blue cat-people. Then they'd rename the fucking awards after it. I'd be madder but it's not going to win. It's here so that people who wear sweatpants to church will watch the Oscars. On ABC!
A Serious Man
The only thing that would have made this movie better was if the tagline was "Let's Get Serious!" In all honesty, this was the best movie of the year. The Coens are just fucking amazing. They managed to make a movie about a miserable guy, who has terrible stuff happen to him nonstop for 100 minutes, one of the funniest of the year. See, this movie had an actual theme: the failure of religion and "understanding" to truly solve problems. At least that's how I saw it. That's the beauty of a movie that's actually good; it can be interpreted, considered. You probably have to see it more than once to fully grasp and appreciate it. What Cameron did took a shitload of talent and balls, I won't deny that. But disposable popcorn fare should not be the gold standard for cinema. And if you want to call it the Best Picture of the year, well, Go fuck yourself.