Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Universe is Righteous Afterall

Here I am watching the New York Football Giants bathe in confetti following the greatest football game I myself have watched. And I am once again reminded that the universe is righteous and fair after-all. So let me take the time to say thank you to Jesus, Allah, Shiva, Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard and any other major religious deities I may have missed. I am now happy the Patriots won all those game this season because they lost the most important one of them all. This game could have only been better if Eli Manning had guaranteed a win just like Broadway Joe Namath, but I'll settle for Bill Belichick crying himself to sleep while crunched in the fetal position.

This game is also monumental because is disproves one of LCT's biggest conspiracy theories that the NFL has been rigging Superbowls for the past several years. Sorry Chuck but I'm sure one of your other conspiracy theories will come to fruition. Oh and to all of you New England fans out there who feel cheated or that the pats deserved this win. Fuck off you bunch of gold bricker-bush league-clam chowder eating-douchebags. You're lucky to have that world series from this year (the 10 day layoff killed the rockies) and now with the lakers adding Pau Gasol to their roster, they will surely serve up the Boston 3-party if they meet in the finals.
So yes the Universe is righteous (mind that when I say this I am not considering the prevalence of poverty, famine, war, disease, human trafficking, and the Hollywood writer's strike) But football is still clean. At least until George Mitchell starts an inquiry into performance enhancing drug use in the NFL.


dtro said...

And now with Pau Gasol the Lakers may present a challenge to the Suns, Mavs, Spurs...dare I say Hornets?

Yea, it's still a long road in the west.

vailpankey said...

Haven;t you learned by now not to question my foresight when it comes to sports. Because if I remember correctly you still have yet to make a payment of either libation or hemp. Those D.C. trees suck anyway tho.