Monday, February 11, 2008

In the News: some badass Thomas Crown shit

Yesterday, three dudes walked into some museum in Zurich and made off with paintings by Van
Gogh, Degas, Monet, and Cezanne.

All told this shit is worth $163 Million. Holy fuck! That's like stealing the Oakland A's or some shit. I salute you random Swiss robbers on being crazy awesome, but where do you fence this stuff?

In other news:
Amy Winehouse and Kanye won a bunch of grammies, but Herbie Hancock prevented them from winning album of the year. Herbie is best known as one of the co-signers of the Declaration of Independence (according to Tommy Boy). I salute you Herbie, for preventing Kanyegomaniac and that crazy slut from winning something.

My man Obama is gaining on Hilary Clinton in terms of delegates. I salute you America, for possibly having the fortitude to elect a black man president because, frankly, that's way better than a dyke president.

Hines Ward visited a zoo. Hilarity ensued.

1 comment:

vailpankey said...

If I remember that film correctly Didn't Thomas Crown just steal those paintings for the hell of it. I mean the guy is already a billionaire. I never saw the original but the newer one has Rene Russo titties all over it.