Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hell yes!

President Bush, using only his fourth veto ever, has axed a children's healthcare bill and has finally gotten something right. The proposed bill would have added $35 billion to existing programs to help insure more than 10 million American children. Bush said the bill was too costly. And you know what? he's right! How could something this important be too costly, you may ask. Well you know where that money's coming from? Higher taxes on tobacco that could raise the cost of cigarettes by 61 cents to as much as $1. That would mean when I go home I could be paying up to $8 a pack and that's just fuckin's not like I'm buying a delicious chipotle burrito here. And besides, are these kids buying the cigarettes to pay for their coverage? Hell no! the fuckin freeloaders.

What's that, little Jimmy? You want health coverage? Well maybe you should've thought of that before you got leukemia!

(if you can't tell that this is a joke you're a fuckin moron)

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